Friday, October 30, 2015

Humma e Saudaviya (Black bilious fever)

Humma e Saudaviya

lThe attack (bari) comes every 4th day therefore it is also called Humma e Rib.
lThis results due to ufoonath in Sauda..
lThere are two types
Rubbe Dayera
Rubbe Lazima

Humma e Rubbe Dayera

lDuration – 72 hours
lAttack – every 4th day
lUsually found in moist & damp areas.
lThis is found abundantly in Bulghami mizaj people.

lIt is due to putrefaction of Sauda.
lExcludes which are produced from bad madda.
            i.e.-      after oxidization of other akhlats
                        End product of other akhlats
lScientifically it is caused by a particular type of organism which multiplies every 72   
lAccording to Avicenna and other physicians this fever is present in terminal stages of  
   other fevers.
lIn most of the cases this fever is present along with the diseases of Liver.

lAttack comes every 4th day
lFever starts with chills and rigors
lItching sensation
lPain in bones and muscles (takasur)
lFeeling of heaviness
lDiminished vision
lPerspiration - Safravi > Sauda > Bulghami
lFever subsides with the perspiration
lDecreased thirst
lIf the diseased madda is in the blood and not evacuated then it will lead to inflammation
  of the spleen causes pain and splenomegaly

l Long standing inflammation of spleen leads to Ascites
lNabz –          Sagheer

lWhen fever results due to oxidation of other khilth
Bulghami akhlath
            Fever duration – prolonged
            Perspiration – decreased
            Urine – viscous
            Nabs – soft

Damavi akhlath
            Alamat of damavi fever
            Urine – red
            Face – flushed
            Nabz – azeem

Safravi akhlath
            Chills & rigors – present
            Thirst –            increased
            Perspiration – increased
            Urine –            yellowish in early stage
                                    Black in later stage
            Nabz – sari 
Humma e Rubbe Lazima

lThis type is very severe
lThis fever is continuous fever
lActually it is  a combination of two Dayera fever

lfever starts without chills & rigors
lfever does not decrease with perspiration
lbefore finishing one attack of humma other attack occurs – causative factor reaches the
   body and multiplied in the body within 3 days & causes fever for 3 days


Usoole ilaj

lTreatment should be done according to the type of the fever and the khilth involved
lMunzij e sauda
lMulayyin drugs or mild hukna
lIf the disease is severe give mushilath
lDo not give the food during the attack
lEasily digestible food can be given after the Sauda  became nuzj
lBarid food (curds) should be avoided
lPrecaution should be taken as liver & spleen are involved 
Ilaj proper

Mushil e aam
lHaleela                      6m
lAftimoon                  6m
lAfsanteen                 6m
lUsar e ghafis             3m
lAmla khusk              3m
lTukhm e karafs         3m
lAnisoon                    3m
lBadiyan                    3m
Boil in water. Give two times a day
·   Ark e kasni                           7T
·   Ark e gauzaban                    4T
Is mixed with sharbath e unnab ane sprinkle with tukhm e reehan    5m

Compound drugs
Hub e hilteet
Hab e shifa

Habb e shifa
Tukhm e datura                       3T
Revand chini                           2T
Sount                                       1T
Gond e babool                                    10m

Powder first three drugs finely. Add luab e gond e babool and make chana size tablets. One tablet with warm water two times a day

Dr. M.S.M. Shiffa